Find the details of the Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi movie's cast & crew along with the movie trailer & video songs. But at the same time, I don't want to fault it too much as I think it is still on the right path - I'm fed up of the show-offy 'Don's of Bollywood today. Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi Movie - Starring Shah Rukh Khan & Anushka Sharma. These things make the film very frustrating for me. But without this twist, the story was very predictable. : Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, : Rab ne Bana Di Jodi, : 04:43, : 4.37, : 128 kbit/sec, : mp3. A perfect twist to the film would be for Taani to have known all along - it would have been a nice way of showing that Taani did recognise his heart from the start but she also wanted to see how far Suri could go. I was a bit disappointed that she didn't even tell Raj she was married and spent so much time with him outside home.
Yet it is completely out of character for her to think about running away with another man. Danahi Zamanian on rab ne bana di jodi full movie tamil dubbed.
Shahrukh Khan Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi 2008 Movie Download 480p, 720p Filmyzilla. We are told that Taani is a loyal and decent wife. Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi Full Movie Download Filmyhit Hindi in 480p, 720p qualities. If Taani is supposed to compromise for her husband, should he not also become a bit more like Raj and meet her half way? It would have been great if he had started dressing a bit more fashionably for her even in his 'Suri' self. A breathtaking, goose flesh igniting, awe inspiring love journey of an ordinary. Why should the girl love Suri when he offers her none of the love and fun that Raj does? I don't understand why she is supposed to settle for the 'real' Suri when he is so boring. Download Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi 2008 Full Movie Hindi BluRay Storyline. Having said that, I think there were some fundamental flaws in the films and tricks they missed: 1. The music was great and the acting was decent. The film was sweet, colourful, and fun to watch. It is a trivial plot element that can be overlooked - and in the film's defence, they did try and justify it by making romance a bit magical (though probably didn't need to go that far). Have none of you seen Superman? In that, Lois Lane doesn't recognise that Clark Kent is Superman, and yet I doubt any of you would complain there. I didn't love this movie, but I'm frustrated at how most of the negative reviews are focused on the wife not recognising her husband.